31 research outputs found

    An approach to corpus-based language and multimodal features in communicative exchanges at an early age for adapted hypermedia content design

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    This paper describes the results from the analysis of English and Spanish corpora from the CHILDES database for the design of adapted hypermedia (AHS) content in English at the pre-elementary school level. In general, linguistic and paralinguistic information from selected CHILDES transcripts can contribute to the organisation of pedagogical content. In the corpus analysis, it is found that many conversational patterns in children’s L1, mainly collaborative situations, present significant multimodal aspects, which are often correlated with meta-discursive items and markers. The integration of specific multimodal traits in the AHS lessons can be useful for the learners’ L2 development. The use of AHS serves as a naturally resulting resource for multimodality and interactiveness in children’s L2 communicative development.Este trabajo describe los resultados derivados del análisis de corpus en lengua inglesa y española a partir de la base de datos CHILDES para el diseño de contenidos hipermedia adaptativos (SHA) en inglés en el nivel preescolar/infantil. En general, la información lingüística y paralingüística que se desprende de las transcripciones seleccionadas de CHILDES puede resultar de gran valía para la organización del contenido pedagógico. En el análisis del corpus, se ha observado que muchos patrones conversacionales analizados en la lengua materna de los niños, sobre todo en situaciones de colaboración, presentan aspectos multimodales significativos que a menudo se correlacionan con elementos metadiscursivos y marcadores del discurso. La integración de características específicas multimodales en las lecciones de SHA puede resultar útil para el desarrollo de los discentes en la segunda lengua. El empleo de lecciones en SHA sirve como un recurso que resulta natural para la multimodalidad y la interactividad en el proceso comunicativo de los niños en una segunda lengua.Aquest treball descriu els resultats derivats de l’anàlisi de corpus en llengua anglesa i espanyola a partir de la base de dades CHILDES per al disseny de continguts hipermèdia adaptatius (SHA) en anglès en el nivell preescolar / infantil. En general, la informació lingüística i paralingüística que es desprèn de les transcripcions seleccionades de CHILDES pot resultar de gran vàlua per a l’organització del contingut pedagògic. En l’anàlisi del corpus, s’ha observat que molts patrons conversacionals analitzats en la llengua materna dels nens, sobretot en situacions de col·laboració, presenten aspectes multimodals significatius que sovint es correlacionen amb elements metadiscursius i marcadors del discurs. La integració de característiques específiques multimodals en les lliçons de SHA pot resultar útil per al desenvolupament dels discents en la segona llengua. L’ús de lliçons en SHA serveix com a recurs que resulta natural per a la multimodalitat i la interactivitat en el procés comunicatiu dels nens en una segona llengua

    Representativeness and significance factors in ESP texts

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    The development of communicative approaches and strategies in specialized discourse has led to revising notions of representative and significant language . Particularly in the work with academic genres, in science and technology (EST) settings such as our own institution, the need for determining these factors is ever growing. The application of empirical resources such as specific language corpora, in fact, becomes convenient. In this paper, the aim is to specify the type of corpus linguistic representativeness and significance sought in the case of teaching English to our groups of Computer Science students. In that scope, we present data and samples on which to base our suggestions and claims regarding the exploitation of textual material

    Form-Focused Data-Driven Learning for Grammar Development in ESP Contexts

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    The use of corpus-informed language in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) / English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching has considerably grown over the past two decades, especially due to the proliferation of course book material based on corpora. However, in terms of learning approaches to grammatical items, much less has been published commercially to train teachers in the use of corpora and their exploitation. DDL (Data-Driven Learning) techniques are still something to foster and publicize for ESP scenarios, since DDL tends to work as a productive method among learners whose L2 courses usually present specific (academic or professional) purposes in language use, as previous studies have shown. This paper deals with DDL as approached via hands-on concordancing by university students in the double degree of Business Administration and Tourism (B/T) in our institution. The targeted linguistic items were accessed via form-focused activities (e.g., noticing usage differences with verb tenses and synonymous verbs). Two grammar tests were administered to compare their results with another group that focused on the same grammatical points as delivered by an upper-intermediate, corpus-informed, textbook. The statistical findings reveal that the DDL group performed slightly better in the acquisition of such grammatical points, whereas most students felt that lexico-grammatical knowledge had been gained by relying on DDL to discover and apply usage patterns. Grammatical study may thereby evolve as a different perception in their minds due to corpus data exploitation and teacher-mediated discovery

    Lexical behaviour in academic and technical corpora: Implications for ESP development

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    Lexical approaches to Academic and Technical English have been well documented by scholars from as early as Cowie (1978). More recent work demonstrates how computer technology can assist in the effective analysis of corpus-based data (Cowie, 1998; Pedersen, 1995; Scott, 2000). For teaching purposes, this recent research has shown that the distinction between common coreness and diversity is a crucial issue. This paper outlines a way of dealing with vocabulary in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) instruction in the light of insights provided by empirical observation. Focusing mainly on collocation in the context of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), and, more precisely, within English for Information Science and Technology, we show how the results of the contrastive study of lexical items in small specific corpora can become the basis for teaching / learning ESP at the tertiary level. In the process of this study, an account is given of the functions of academic and technical lexis, aspects of keywords and word frequency are defined, and the value of corpus-derived collocation information is demonstrated for the specific textual environment

    Integración de ABD en diferentes escenarios de escritura académica en IFA

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    In EAP (English for Academic Purposes) contexts, a holistic view is desirable for research and pedagogy. This mixed-methods approach usually includes quantitative data from language learning situations. For example, pretests, post-tests, and delayed post-tests may be exploited for concrete linguistic aspects so that the learners’ performance evolvement with them is measured and contrasted. Other instruments of qualitative observation such as surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and classroom discussion also tend to refine the depiction of the learning profiles and outcomes. In this paper, the goal is to compare different EAP contexts over an 8-year period so that some corpus-related pedagogy issues in EAP may be explored. In particular, the study sets out to compare three different academic scenarios where DDL (Data-Driven Learning) techniques were developed with and for students during the academic writing sessions of the courses. The students were university faculty members (N=20, most with a B1 level), 15 other (graduate) students (mostly B2), and 15 other faculty and graduate students (B2). The DDL method was explored with all three groups, and salient linguistic-discursive features were compared (use of first-person pronouns / awareness of authorship, and importance of active / passive voice in the texts). Furthermore, by using some questionnaires and interviews with the students, additional feedback via their reflections on academic written English was collected. Overall, most students responded positively to the recognition of the learning opportunities offered with DDL for written academic language improvement across and within their fields, although some variations exist within and across groups in terms of learning opportunities and outcomes.En contextos de IFA (Inglés para fines académicos), es deseable aplicar una visión holística a la hora de investigar temas pedagógicos. Este enfoque de métodos múltiples generalmente incluye datos cuantitativos sobre los ítems específicos que se exploren en la situación de aprendizaje. El uso de pre- y post-tests / post-tests posteriores en torno a aspectos lingüísticos concretos puede proporcionar información detallada sobre la adquisición lingüística del alumnado. Otros instrumentos de observación cualitativa tales como encuestas, cuestionarios, entrevistas y debates pueden refinar el dibujo de los perfiles de aprendizaje y resultados del mismo. En este trabajo, el objetivo es comparar diferentes contextos de LFE a lo largo de un periodo de ocho años para que se exploren diferentes temas importantes en relación con la pedagogía de corpus en clases de Inglés para fines académicos (IFA). En concreto, este estudio tiene como base comparar tres escenarios distintos de escritura en IFA donde se desarrollaron técnicas de ABD (Aprendizaje basado en datos) con los alumnos. Los discentes eran miembros del profesorado universitario (N=20, con nivel B1 de idioma en su mayoría), otros 15 alumnos provenientes de posgrado (con B2 la mayor parte), y otros 15 profesores y alumnos de posgrado (con B2). Se exploró el método de ABD con los tres grupos, y se contrastaron aspectos lingüístico-discursivos concretos (uso de primera persona, concienciación de autoría en el escrito e importancia de la voz activa / pasiva en los textos). Además, con el uso de cuestionarios y entrevistas con los estudiantes, se recogieron diferentes reflexiones en torno a la escritura académica en Inglés. En general, la mayoría de los discentes respondieron de forma positiva al reconocer las oportunidades de aprendizaje ofrecidas para la mejora del Inglés académico escrito en sus respectivas áreas, aunque se registraron variaciones dentro de y entre los grupos en cuanto a esas posibilidades y sus resultados de aprendizaje

    Form-focused data-driven learning for grammar development in ESP contexts

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    El uso de un lenguaje informado por corpora en clases de Inglés para fines específicos (IFE) / Inglés para fines académicos (IFA) ha aumentado considerablemente en las últimas dos décadas, sobre todo como consecuencia de la proliferación de libros de texto y material académico que se basan en corpora. Sin embargo, en cuanto a cómo se enfocaría el aprendizaje de esos elementos gramaticales, mucho menos se ha publicado de manera comercial de cara a la formación de los profesores en el uso de corpora y su explotación en clase. DDL (Data-Driven Learning, o aprendizaje basado en datos, ABD) constituye aún un terreno donde hay que fomentar y publicitar más su aplicación para escenarios de IFE, ya que tiende a servir como técnica metodológica productiva para los discentes que buscan objetivos concretos en el uso de un idioma, como han mostrado diferentes estudios. Este trabajo trata sobre ABD y su enfoque concreto a través de concordancias electrónicas por parte de estudiantes universitarios procedentes del doble grado de ADE y Turismo en nuestra institución. Los elementos lingüísticos que se trataron fueron explotados en actividades centradas en la forma/estructura (en este caso, la diferenciación de uso entre tiempos verbales y entre verbos sinónimos). Se administraron dos tests gramaticales para comparar los resultados de este grupo de alumnos con otro grupo que se centró en los mismos elementos gramaticales según se presentaban y trabajaban en un libro de texto de nivel intermedio-avanzado e informado por datos de corpora. Los resultados estadísticos revelan que el grupo de ABD consiguió puntuaciones ligeramente superiores en la adquisición de esos puntos gramaticales, mientras que la mayoría de los estudiantes manifestaron que habían incrementado su conocimiento léxico-gramatical al haberse apoyado en ABD a la hora de descubrir y aplicar patrones de uso. El enfoque gramatical podría así evolucionar como una percepción diferente en sus mentes gracias al apoyo en datos de corpus y la inducción, colaborando con otros compañeros y el profesor.The use of corpus-informed language in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) / English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching has considerably grown over the past two decades, especially due to the proliferation of course book material based on corpora. However, in terms of learning approaches to grammatical items, much less has been published commercially to train teachers in the use of corpora and their exploitation. DDL (Data-Driven Learning) techniques are still something to foster and publicize for ESP scenarios, since DDL tends to work as a productive method among learners whose L2 courses usually present specific (academic or professional) purposes in language use, as previous studies have shown. This paper deals with DDL as approached via hands-on concordancing by university students in the double degree of Business Administration and Tourism (B/T) in our institution. The targeted linguistic items were accessed via form-focused activities (e.g., noticing usage differences with verb tenses and synonymous verbs). Two grammar tests were administered to compare their results with another group that focused on the same grammatical points as delivered by an upper-intermediate, corpus-informed, textbook. The statistical findings reveal that the DDL group performed slightly better in the acquisition of such grammatical points, whereas most students felt that lexico-grammatical knowledge had been gained by relying on DDL to discover and apply usage patterns. Grammatical study may thereby evolve as a different perception in their minds due to corpus data exploitation and teacher-mediated discovery.peerReviewe

    ESP in Spain: Goals, achievements and prospects

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    Cet article a pour objectif de décrire l'évolution de l’anglais de spécialité (ASP) au sein des études en langues spécialisées et de la recherche au niveau de l’enseignement supérieur en Espagne au cours des vingt dernières années. L'année 1992 est choisie comme point de départ parce qu’AELFE, l'Association des langues à objectifs spécifiques, a été fondée à Madrid à cette date. Lorsque des membres d'autres pays ont rejoint cette association, AELFE a servi de point de repère institutionnel universitaire pour le développement de l'ASP dans le cadre de la linguistique appliquée. L’ASP reflète les évolutions sociales, les changements éducatifs et les tendances linguistiques, ainsi que les innovations technologiques au sein des contextes universitaires et professionnels. L'évolution des scénarios du praticien des langues spécialisées et des situations de communication a transformé l’ASP en une pratique vivante et stimulante, quoique parfois sujette à controverses comme, par exemple, à propos de l’augmentation générale de la charge de travail de l'enseignant d’ASP. Différentes directions de travail et de recherche ont été adoptées dans les universités espagnoles depuis la création d’AELFE jusqu'à l'accord de Bologne. L'examen de ces variables est effectué à la lumière de quelques résultats quantitatifs et qualitatifs.This paper aims to describe the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) as specialised language study and research at tertiary level in Spain over the past twenty years. The year 1992 is chosen as a starting point because AELFE, the Association of Languages for Specific Purposes, was founded in Madrid at the time. As more members from other countries have joined in, this Association has served as an academic landmark for the development of ESP within the umbrella of applied linguistics. ESP has reflected the social changes, educational shifts, linguistic trends, and technological innovations involved in academic and professional contexts. The evolution of the specialised language practitioner’s scenarios and communicative situations has turned ESP into a lively and stimulating action, though not lacking in controversy, e.g., a general increase in the ESP teacher’s workload. Different lines of work and research have been followed from the inception of AELFE until the implementation of the Bologna agreement in our universities. The examination of such variables is conducted in the light of some quantitative and qualitative findings

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Digital reading strategies in computer English

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    This paper focuses on the use of web-based discourse by three Spanish undergraduate students in Computer Engineering. Key lexico-grammatical features in Computer English have been analysed by means of corpus linguistics techniques, for which word statistics and collocation functions in the WordSmith concordancer have been highly useful. The information was then used to compare the students' results. The students' reading skills have been evaluated in the documentation process of the three final projects, required prior to their graduation as engineers. Overall observations point to code-switching, re-wording, and key vocabulary identification as strategies that the students demonstrate to be able to operate with significantly after on-line reading. The students also rely more on Internet discourse as a main source of feedback for their projects and useful tool for work. Two of the projects have dealt with the design and use of interactive platforms for language learning (via two different approaches), while the third project has focused on the management of e-learning with the use of Squeak, a special language for programming. The assessment of the three students' reading / interpretation skills has taken place by means of written tasks and personal interviews

    A lexical common core in English for information sciece and technology

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    El propósito principal de esta tesis en abarcar y presentar un conjunto léxico común a distintas disciplinas relacionadas temáticamente en el área de la tecnología y ciencia de la información. En realidad, nuestro núcleo léxico investigado contiene distintos grados de utilidad y relevancia dependiente, sobre todo, de su frecuencia y distribución por y a lo largo de las categorías estilísticas o genéricas abarcadas, temas relacionados y textos tipo o funcionales en el discurso. Así, nuestros resultados revelan no sólo una configuración léxica de puntos centrales lingüísticos comunes a áreas como la informática y telecomunicaciones (ej. Sonido e imagen), sino también diversos grados de variación léxica según el foco textual objeto de estudio (ej. Gestión de unidades de información, común a las dos disciplinas señaladas junto con Biblioteconomía y Documentación). Las aportaciones centrales de esta investigación por tanto residen precisamente en la aplicación de dichas variables estilísticas y temáticas (técnicas), en la enseñanza del inglés técnico para dichos campos o áreas.This PH.D. thesis aims to distinguish common from specialized lexical uses in the areas of Information Science and Technology English. Hence the main orientation is actually placed on the analysis of a lexical common core and its classification according to either general and academic employment or thematic and technical applications